REDRUM revenge

Inga Taylor, a captain in the police force, and her girlfriend, Liza Jordan, a nurse at the hospital, both have skeletons in their closets.

But when the rattling of the skeletons became too noisy, dead bodies started appearing everywhere.

Who was the dark shadow that was lurking outside Inga’s place? And who’s following Liza, her girlfriend?

Were Luke and Alec the same person and where do they fit into all of this?

Was everything okay between Inga and her girlfriend, or did Liza find out about the stripper?

One thing’s for sure…never underestimate the power of an abused woman…there’s nothing like a woman’s scorn.

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About the Book

Revenge comes in many forms – so does the shadow in the dark.

Genres: Action, Adults only, Murder
Tags: Crude language, Explicit sexual content, Murder, women and men
Publisher: Ns. Skrywershuis
Publication Year: 2021
List Price: R145.00
eBook Price: R55.00
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About the Author
Judy de Bruin

Judy is in die fleur van haar lewe en ’n boorling van Port Elizabeth. Sy woon in Oos-Londen en is getroud met twee seuns. Judy se lewenspad is vol verrassings. As klein kommersiële boer het die kosgier haar gepak en bekwaam sy haarself as ’n sjef. Sy het ’n liefde vir fotografie en kuier met haar kamera wanneer die tyd dit toelaat. Sy het twee jaar gelede begin skryf. Vier kortverhale het in Huisgenoot verskyn.

Judy was born in Port Elizabeth. Sy now lives in East-Londen, married with two sons. Her life is full of surprises. As a Small commercial farmer, she developed a love for cooking and qualified herself as a chef. She is also a Keen photographer. Her writing career started two years ago and four of her short stories were published in the Huisgenoot Magazine.