The times they are a changin

Once upon a time; about a century ago, in the land of cosmology, the high priest postulated that observers in different time frames experience time differently.

Then the prince of enlightenment came along and suggested that different time frames were just a cunning way to circumvent a fatal flaw of lacking only one dependable variant (the clock) in his postulation. “Crucify the renegade. The audacity to ruin the beautiful theory,” the community shouted and quoted passages from the works of the high priest to discredit him. “Rather attack my arguments,” the prince pleaded to no avail.

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About the Book
Genres: Fantasy, Fiction, Highly recommended, Philosophical
Tags: Fantasy, Fiction, Philosophical
Publisher: Ns. Skrywershuis
Publication Year: 2024
Format: Soft cover
ISBN: 9780796197290

List Price: R170.00
eBook Price: R170.00
Brilliantly written - a masterpiece!
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About the Author
Wilhelm van der Hoven

Wilhelm van der Hoven se spore kom van George in die Wes-Kaap waar hy by die Outeniqua Hoërskool matrikuleer. Na afhandeling van sy studies in Port Elizabeth tree hy toe tot die onderwys. Wilhelm het ook tussendeur sy onderwysersloopbaan sy hand aan boerdery gewaag. Hy neem deel aan verskeie skryfuitdagings by en lewer heelwat kortverhale. In die ander tyd is Wilhelm se debuutverhaal. ’n Interessante bundel met ’n ietsie van alles wat tog saamloop en ’n eenheid vorm.

Wilhelm grew up on a farm between George and Great Brak River. He studied Psychology at the Universities of Pretoria and Port Elizabeth. Van den Hoven retired in the beautiful Little Karoo after following different careers. He was a teacher-counsellor, a farmer, and a teacher of physics. As an adventurous individual, he enjoys participating in long-distance events such as the Comrades Marathon, cycling, and Ironman triathlon. He published a book (In die Andertyd).