A flower from Poland

What would her thoughts be? How would she have felt? Did she realize that everything was in vain?

Was there any hope at all that maybe soon or perhaps one day, she will have an opportunity to play among the red poppies in the field near her village in the springtime again?

Czeslawa, the expression of this little Polish girl in three of this photo’s exposed what’s wrong in the world when savages are allowed to rule. Just like a flower bud, many children’s budding youth were trampled on mercilessly in Auschwitz long before they could blossom into adulthood.

Czeslawa. Only fourteen years old, but trapped and made brutally vulnerable to the barbarity of war and the sadism, hate and torture in a Nazi Concentration camp.

Czeslawa. All that remains were the three photographs taken of her just before her death.

The story of this once vibrant-cheerful girl was written with great respect and admiration to pay tribute to her and the other hundreds of thousands children who not only lost their dreams and youth but their lives at the hands of the Germans.

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About the Book
Genres: Book Review, Educational, Historical non-fiction, Non-fiction, Review, True life story
Tags: Highly recommended, Historical - based on true events, Non-fiction, Review
Publisher: Ns. Skrywershuis
Publication Year: 2022
Format: Soft cover | ePub | Mobi
Length: Complete novel
ISBN: 9798354765270

List Price: R220.00
eBook Price: R155.00
A FLOWER FROM POLAND is a rather unusual en well-written book – truthful, realistic, and accurate. It is informative and gives the historical view of the built-up of Hitler’s war without over-powering the reader with too many historical facts. This story is refreshingly different because it is finely woven with interesting facts while making an indelible impression. The author portrays with respect and compassion the story of the fourteen-year-old Polish girl Czeslawa Kwoka and her mother Katarzyna. They live in the Polish town of Wolka, Zlojecka. These two have a particularly close bond. When sweeping rumours of the war reach them, Katarzyna realizes the danger they are in. Czeslawa is just a carefree daughter with beautiful dreams. With the capture of this young girl, she is exposed to the barbaric cruelty and sadism of the Nazi Extermination Camp. All there is of her are three photographs. Through these photos, she becomes the symbol of the horror through which children were killed. Rautenbach reveals the hideousness of the war. Just like a flower bud, Czeslawa's budding and carefree life began and was plucked off in cold blood, in her own country Poland, at the hands of savages before her womanhood could come to fruition. The atrocities the Nazis inflicted on innocent people are heart-breaking. Rautenbach offers the reader an in-depth experience of the emotional, but also the truth of this reckless period. I found Louis' writing style impressive and engaging. An interesting and popular book that, without a doubt and exaggeration, contributes to the world's history.
– Annalize Hills - independent reviewer
Brilliantly written and well presented - a must-read and a book that contributes to the history of the world! The cover is amazing and so well thought off. Well done to the author.
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About the Author
Louis Rautenbach

Louis Rautenbach is die outeur van verskeie boeke waarvan sommige ook in Engels beskikbaar is. Hy woon aan die Oos Kaapse kusdorp Jeffreysbaai waar hy sy artistiese vermoëns uitleef. Hy is ook deeltyds betrokke by geestelike werk, berading en begeleiding.
