
Lina, Cato, Candice, Adela, Jenny en Rona het iets in gemeen. Hulle is almal deur mans verfoei, verneder en verneuk. Dr Christine – Chris – Roux het empatie met hulle; sy was self die slagoffer van ‘n gewetenlose man.

Soos Nemesis, die Griekse godin van vergelding, help sy elkeen van hierdie vroue om op te staan en terug te veg, te neem wat hulle toekom. En die mans kry wat húlle toekom. Die verhaal ontwikkel rondom elke vrou se vergelding vir wat haar aangedoen is. Soms vereis goeie uitkomste selfs vennootskappe met slegte mense.

Chris het ‘n geheim. Sy is verantwoordelik vir die dood van haar eks, Thomas. Sy móét Andreas, haar vennoot en die man wat haar help heel het, vertel, maar vrees dat sy hom sal verloor.

Wie is die geheimsinnige James Sinclair en Omar Lebus? Is een van hulle ‘n voortvlugtige pedofiel? En waar pas die Kaapse mafiabaas Denys Alekseev en sy wulpse Katya in die prentjie? Wie is die Rooikop en wie is pastore Áncora de Salvació en Cornelio? Die leser moet kophou om die ineengevlegte intriges en ontknopings te volg.

Die ondertoon is by tye ernstig, verlig deur ligter oomblikke en onverwagte wendings.

Die poppe dans behoorlik in Nemesis!

About the Book
Genres: Aksie, Avontuur, Drama, Fiksie, Roman, Spanningsverhaal, Stergradering: Prima Goud
Tags: Aanbeveling, Fiksie, Roman
Publisher: Ns. Skrywershuis
Publication Year: 2024
Format: Sagteband | eBoek | Mobi
Length: 244 bladsye
ISBN: 9780796131157

List Price: R155.00
eBook Price: R155.00
About the Author
Malcolm de Roubaix

Malcolm de Roubaix is a retired anaesthesiologist with doctorate degrees in medicine and philosophy. He is the author of 33 peer reviewed articles, mostly on bioethics, and three books. His Hoop, Heling, and Harmony – Dink Nuut Oor Siekte en Genesing (Penguin Random House SA, 2019), was the winner of the prestigious Andrew Murray literary prize. Cambridge Scholars Publishers in the UK published two of his books in 2023: A Journey into the Human Experience of Incurable disease: From Hope to Healing, and Reproductive Rights in the 21st Century: Procreation and Abortion. He has worn many hats: professionally, that of a practising general practitioner and anaesthesiologist, researcher, chair of a Research ethics committee, lecturer in Bioethics, and Research Fellow at the Centre for applied Ethics, Department of Philosophy, Stellenbosch University. He has also been a successful property developed. His hobbies include road running – more than 40 marathons and a number of ultra-marathons, including two Comrades and eight Two Oceans and at 78 still shuffles his way on the road.
The Kiss and beyond is his first foray into the demanding world of fiction writing.